.. meta:: :google-site-verification: _230tdAp-Iy8T3CUC-Zi1k2gLFQFbpuXb9170aezndU PV Modeling Glossary ==================== This page contains nomenclature for PV-relevant terms that are used in modeling and data analysis for PV systems. Terms are grouped by category. These definitions should be helpful for anyone writing software to analyze PV systems. The team would greatly appreciate feedback and suggestions. To comment, see the issues on the `pv-terms github repo `_. .. include:: generated/version.rst **Categories** .. contents:: :local: Abbreviations ------------- These abbreviations are used without expansion in the rest of the variables. .. include:: generated/abbreviations.rst Optional Suffixes ----------------- These optional suffixes can be appended to a variable in order to further clarify which quantity the variable refers to. In the following * refers to another variable. **Suffixes specifying the object** .. include:: generated/optional-suffixes-specifying-the-object.rst **Suffixes specifying the aggregation type** .. include:: generated/optional-suffixes-for-aggregation.rst **Suffixes specifying the measurement type** .. include:: generated/optional-suffixes-for-measurement-type.rst Location -------- These variables are associated with the location of the PV system. .. include:: generated/location.rst Atmosphere ---------- Atmosphere variables are related to weather conditions. .. include:: generated/atmosphere.rst Solar Position -------------- These variables are related to the position of sun and the incidence angles with the PV array. .. include:: generated/solar-position.rst DC Output --------- These variables are related to the DC side of a PV power plant. .. include:: generated/dc-output.rst AC Output --------- These variables are related to the AC side of a PV power plant. .. include:: generated/ac-output.rst Inverter -------- These parameters are related to the operation of inverters. .. include:: generated/inverter.rst Irradiance ---------- These variables denote irradiance in units of W/m^2. .. include:: generated/irradiance.rst PV System --------- These variables are related to the operating current, voltage and power of PV cells, modules or arrays. .. include:: generated/pv-system.rst Module Parameters ----------------- Module parameters are primarily used to describe the electrical characteristic of a PV module. .. include:: generated/module-parameters.rst Documentation Contents ====================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: self about.rst guide.rst intersphinx.rst contributing.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`