User Guide

Modifying Variables

Many variables can be directly used without modification. However, there are many cases where the standard set of variables does not cover a particular application. For this reason, we have provided a list of optional suffixes that can be appended to a variable name.

For example, one application might be to compare simulated and measured maximum-power-point power. In this case, the base variable pmp can be modified into pmp_sim and pmp_meas.

In order to standardize some common naming modifications, we have chosen a common order.

  1. _cell, _module, _string, _array, _inv.
  2. _XX, where XX is the name of the particular system.
  3. _rated, _sim, _meas
  4. _interval, _cumulative
  5. _UNITS, where UNITS are the non-standard units of a variable.

For simplicity, it is not necessary to use all modifications for a particular variable.

Some examples:

  • temperature_module_12 Module temperature sensor 12.
  • current_dc_inv_2132: dc-side current from inverter 2132.
  • temperature_module_meas, temperature_module_sim: measured and simulated module temperature respectively.
  • beta_voc_module, beta_voc_string: beta_voc for a module and a string respectively.
  • alpha_isc_module_rated, alpha_isc_module_meas: rated and measured module alpha_isc.
  • energy_real_inv_12_sim_interval real energy for inverter 12 simulated on a specified interval.
  • temperature_cell_K Cell temperature in Kelvin.